Friday 26 February 2010

narrative workshop

Earlier this week I attented the narrative workshop which Salvatore Rubbino held.
I really enjoyed it, and wish we had more workshops like it. Before I went I had been feeling a bit down about this project, not really knowing what to do next. But after the workshop and a talk with Salvatore, it gave me a boost and now I feel motivated again. In the workshop we illustrated little stories which we had made up from a selection of words which had been given to us. We only had that day to make the story and illustrate it start to finish, which was really good for me to do, because it showed me that I can do things when I put my mind to it. I need to put that mindset towards my project and then I will be fine. Salvatore suggested that I create little books like the one I made in the workshop, but for my project, and get a big mass of work done, and not worry about what it was or was going to be, but just do it and then something will come together. I think that is my problem, I worry so much, that I end up spending too much time worrying and not enough time doing. But from this week I am just going to DO and not worry.

So far this week I have created 2 little books for my story (it wouldnt fit in 1!) so I have worked out the layouts pretty much for definate, and the good thing about making a little mock up book is that I can see how the images work on their own as pages and as part of a book.
I have also been playing with collage.I am going to work with my existing card characters , and I am going to bluetack them into different layouts and photograph them. I will see how that will work for the book. In the mean time I have been trying out more fixed collage, and creating painted backgrounds to see how that would work when digitally composed.

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